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dc.contributor.authorTarı, Özlemen_US
dc.contributor.authorYurtseven, Hamiten_US
dc.identifier.citationTari, O., & Yurtseven, H. (2017). Analysis of vibrational spectra in relation to the thermodynamic quantities close to the phase transitions in ammonium halides (NH4F and NH4I). Optik, 135, 244-251. doi:10.1016/j.ijleo.2017.01.107en_US
dc.descriptionTarı, Özlem (Arel Author)en_US
dc.description.abstractThe pressure dependences of the vibrational frequencies of the TO and L modes are analyzed from the literature data and the thermodynamic quantities such as isothermal compressibility K gamma, thermal expansion alpha p and the specific heat C-p - C-v are calculated through the mode Grilneisen parameters of those modes in ammonium halides (NH4F and NH4I). For this calculation, the observed frequencies of the TO mode (238 cm(-1) at 1 bar) and the L mode (74.7 meV at 1.9 GPa) are used for the phases of I, II and III in NH4F, whereas for the phases of V and VI in NH4F, the observed frequencies of the 238 cm(-1) are used as a function of pressure at T=293 K. We also analyze the observed frequencies for the TO (17.1 meV) and L (34.1 meV) modes (P=0, T=-25 degrees C) in the phase II of NH4I and the thermodynamic quantities (K-T, alpha(p) and C-p - C-v) are calculated as a function of pressure (T=-25 degrees C) through the mode Gruneisen parameters of the TO and L modes in phase II of NH(4)l. Calculated thermodynamic quantities (k(T), alpha(p) and C-p - C-v) can be compared with the experimental data under the pressure conditions studied here for the phases I, II, III, V and VI in NH4F (T=293 K) and for the phase II in NH4I (T=-25 degrees C) when available in the literature. This shows that the thermodynamic properties of molecular crystals such as NH4F and NH4I, can be investigated from the measurements of the vibrational spectra at high pressures.en_US
dc.subjectVibrational Spectraen_US
dc.subjectTO and L Modesen_US
dc.subjectThermodynamic Quantitiesen_US
dc.subjectNH4F and NH4Ien_US
dc.titleAnalysis of vibrational spectra in relation to the thermodynamic quantities close to the phase transitions in ammonium halides (NH4F and NH4I)en_US
dc.departmentFen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Matematik-Bilgisayar Bölümüen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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