Relationship between Emotional Eating and Big Five Personality Characteristics and Mood Disorder Symptoms
TINMAZOĞLU, E., & DOKSAT, N. G. (2020). Relationship between emotional eating and big five personality characteristics and mood disorder symptoms. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(1), 34-46.Özet
Some recent research indicates that eating behavior is related to emotions rather than physical hunger. The aim of
this study was to investigate the relationship between emotionally triggered eating behavior and mood disorder
symptoms and personality characteristics. The sample of the research consisted of 300 university students between
17-25 years old. The measurements are a socio-demographic, Emotional Appetite Questionnaire, Mood Disorder
Questionnaire, and The Big Five Inventory. Data were analyzed performing T-Tests, correlation and regression
analysis. Results indicated that there is a significant relationship between mood disorder symptoms, some of the
emotional eating appetite sub-dimensions and some variables of Big Five personality traits of agreeableness,
neuroticism, conscientiousness, and extroversion personality. There was no relationship between mood disorders
and emotional eating behaviors. Extroversion, openness, and conscientiousness were significant predictors of
positive mood appetite, anxiety-based mood appetite, and dysphonic mood appetite.