Semiotic analysis of Fresh movie poster
GÜZEL, S. (2023). Semiotic analysis of Fresh movie poster. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (32), 1367-1373.Özet
Movie poster has a commercial aim and it advertises a movie. The researcher selects the movie poster
of Fresh in order to examine semiotic sign. This study tries to analyze implicit and explicit meaning
through semiotic signs on the movie poster. The data is obtained from the movie poster, “Fresh” that
is taken from internet website. The qualitative approach is used in this study. This analysis focuses
content analysis in other words qualitative analysis because the study tries to explore the signs found
in the movie poster of Fresh. Based on this, the researcher examines the sign in the movie poster of
the “Fresh”. This study uses Saussure’s sign theory (2011) Wierzbicka’s color theory (1996) and Dyer’s
verbal and visual aspect of theory (1986). It can be noted here, there are two aspects in movie poster
Fresh. These are verbal and visual aspects. This article tries to examine how movie poster Fresh can
construct and convey the meaning by means of the verbal and non verbal aspects. This research
indicates that verbal and non verbal aspects convey meaning. This article explores that how signs
used in movie poster inform the audience about the topic of the film. This study points out that the
verbal and non verbal aspects can produce and realize implicit an explicit meaning. The researcher
suggests that the next studies can cover the limitations of this study. The next researcher can use
semiotic theories in order to analyze visual communication media, art photography or printed